Saturday 28 June 2014

Grilled Soya Chaap

GRILLED SOYA CHAAP: Straight from the Indian Rasoi, an absolutely sinful delicacy is this pan fried and grilled soya chaap.
Best served: As a snack, best when served piping hot,with tea
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes

  • For marination:  Garlic paste - 1 tsp
  •  ginger paste- 1 tsp
  • green chilly paste- 1/2 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • chilly flakes-1/2 tsp
  • crushed black pepper-1/2 tsp
  • For grilling: refined oil or butter
  • soya chaap - 4 sticks
  • grill pan
  • For accompaniment : hung curd-1/2 cup
  • mint paste-1/2 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • green chilly paste-1/2 tsp
  • finely sliced onions
  • finely sliced carrot
Method: Take the soya chaap sticks and with the help of a knife put slits on both sides of the chaap so that it gets marinated properly. In a bowl mix ginger and garlic paste,green chilly paste, red chilly flakes,crushed black pepper and salt to taste. Put this marinade on the soya sticks and keep aside for about half an hour. After hour an hour heat the grill pan and put oil/butter on it. Grill roast the chaap sticks on medium heat until cooked golden brown.Let it char a bit,it tastes great that way.
For the chutney mix mint paste,green chilly paste,salt and hung curd together.
Serve it with sliced onion and carrot salad.


Gourmet Central

For all you food lovers out there, count me in! Food has always been a passion for me. I have been lucky enough to get a hint of various cuisines,though I am a vegetarian it might have cut down on relishing many delicacies but then I hold no regrets.
Gourmet Central,the next big thing. A heavy title, but I promise it will be worth it :)
Well, as the name says it all, this blog is going to be only about Food, Food and more of Food! With some interesting recipes,some quick fix smart tricks, some ready to eat snacks, some lavish main courses, some yummy desserts, some party poppers and some refreshing drinks. It will be an effort to bring it all on a single platter.
I am not new to blogging now :) for those of you who are already following me on at my blog "They say I am a Dreamer,but I am not the only one", this is me again, and for those of you who do not yet know me,trust me it isn't necessary :). Let food be the only medium through which we connect. Let food break the barriers of all the dialects,cultures and castes. The only reason why I chose 'food' as a topic of my blog was not because of how interesting it  may sound but also because it was the only thing through which I could easily connect with the hearts of many and through which I could easily over power the attribute of diversity.
Gourmet Central thus assures to bring a new zing to your palate,a new outlook to your not so interesting routine food, a healthier yet deliciously yummy food. It will be my sincere effort to bring as many cuisines as I can before you, and would expect your bit too. Active inputs will not only help me learn but also  help me broaden the horizon of my approach towards food. If you guys are on the post right now,waiting for something new then so am I :)
#Newbeginning #Foodforpa #nextbigthing